Why Explore Space

What's In This Article...
  1. Creates New Technologies and Research
  2. Possibility of An Asteroid Hitting the Earth
  3. Colonization Beyond Earth
  4. Mining Resources From the Space
  5. Because We Are Explorers

Why Explore Space?

Space. It’s a magical place: limitless, incredible, and full of possibilities. But humans have only just begun to understand it. Humans are very small, the universe is enormous but the human mind is said to be even vaster.

The human race is young. We’ve only existed as a species for a few thousand years. Most of our history has been spent finding ways to keep ourselves alive and comfortable. But in the last few centuries, we’ve begun to discover the universe around us, and this has brought us to a strange time.

I often think about the future, about the next generation and the world they’ll inherit. I wonder about the progress we’ll have made and what it will mean for the future of humanity. I wonder about our species’ next great adventure. I wondered where we came from.

We’ve dreamed of exploring space since we first looked up at the night sky. In a single moment, space shifted from being a mysterious, infinite place to being a destination we can reach in our lifetime. That moment, when we first looked up at the stars, has inspired people to explore, to seek new horizons, and to find a better us. It’s that same drive that continues to propel us into the future.

Creates New Technologies and Research

Space exploration isn’t just about getting to new places and seeing new things. It’s also about creating new technologies and discoveries that would never have been possible on Earth. For example, when we landed a probe on a comet, we learned about the composition of the comet and the chemistry of the solar wind. We used this information to design new materials for space suits and to design new solar cells that could withstand the harsh conditions of space.

Without space exploration programs, there won’t be any satellites, communications, internet, GPS and accurate weather predictions. There is also medical research happening in space that can cure diseases and increase the lifespan of humans, and these experiments can’t be done on Earth. Space exploration can save your life.

Possibility Of An Asteroid Hitting the Earth

One of the biggest risks of space exploration is the possibility of an asteroid or comet hitting the Earth. Asteroids, which are pieces of debris from the formation of the solar system, don’t care if we’re here or not. They fly through space, and if they’re big enough, they might hit the Earth. But even if an asteroid hits the Earth, it wouldn’t be the end of the world, because we’re prepared to deal with it.

And it is all possible because of our robust space programmes, if space exploration hadn't been invented, humanity would already have an expiration date.

Colonization Beyond Earth and Solar System

The greatest benefit of space exploration isn’t limited to the Earth. It’s about colonizing other solar systems and beyond. Mars, the closest planet to the Earth, is our best option for human colonization. It’s far enough from the Sun to support life, and it has water, which is a vital resource.

Colonizing beyond the Earth can be considered as an ultimate backup plan because in case something happens to Earth or our solar system which is unavoidable with our current technology.

Mining Resources From the Space

Space exploration has the potential to help us mine resources from other planets and moons. Asteroids, for example, contain a variety of valuable materials, from water to platinum. We can use machines, like probes, to extract those resources and bring them back to the Earth. This technology is already being tested, and we’re on the cusp of making space exploration a reality.

It will help to reduce the pressure on Earth’s resources and help Earth to rejuvenate from the losses due to human activities.

Because We Are Explorers

We are explorers. We’ve dreamed of exploring space since we first looked up at the night sky. In a single moment, space shifted from being a mysterious, infinite place to being a destination we can reach in our lifetime. That moment, when we first looked up at the stars, has inspired people to explore, to seek new horizons, and to find a better us.

We are explorers. We dream of new frontiers, and we want to know what’s beyond the horizon. We want to know if there are other planets like Earth, and if there are, we want to know if they’re habitable. We want to know if there are other life-forms in the universe.

Space Organizations such as SpaceX are committed in exploring the universe and finding new worlds to inhabit so that humanity can continue its progress toward a better future. We pursue this goal with a relentless focus on safety, which is why we’ve never allowed anyone to die while exploring space. We’ll keep exploring until there’s nowhere else to go.

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